Millfields Charter: against abusive practice

Millfields Charter - against abusive practice

We the undersigned are increasingly concerned by approaches used across care and education settings to control people and manage aggression. We believe many of the techniques deemed as appropriate are dehumanising, dangerous, abusive and detrimental to the relationships between staff in care settings and those for whom they care.

Many staff attending such courses even appear to be injured whilst training and yet such training is accepted in many parts of the health, social care and education system as appropriate for use with people who need our services. People who use the services are rarely given a choice about this.

We demand a change in the care of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities, who can be treated in dehumanising and degrading ways.

We deplore prone physical restraint!

We believe there are alternatives, which enhance the quality of life and improve standards for individuals and their carers. Such methods maintain the relationship between staff caring and users of services and reduce incidents of violence.

It's time for a change, to put care back into caring settings.

It is our firmly held belief that the use of the following physical interventions should cease immediately and be replaced by more sensitive techniques and better education for all staff.

  • Methods using restraint in the prone / face down position which are dangerous to physical health and are degrading
  • Mechanical restraints, which tie, strap or in other ways prevent movement
  • Methods which cause pain and involve locks to joints
  • Methods which do not involve user or advocate choice
  • Methods which cause fear and increase anxiety

Do you agree?

If so please sign up as a committed individual to demonstrate your belief.

the millfields charter

Thank you for your help in trying to improve standards of care.